As a full-service design-build general contracting company,
we provide comprehensive services including planning, design, and construction.
From concept to completion,
from the geotechnical investigation of your site, to the time you place your new facility in operation, we are able to provide all the resources required to help you successfully complete your building program.
Our Services
include, but are not limited to:
- Design and Construction
- Full-Time Project Management and Supervision
- Evaluate, Select, and Manage Subcontractors, Material and Equipment Suppliers
- Control and Assure the Quality of all the Work
- Produce Accurate Cost Estimate
- Determine Project Sequence and Schedule
- Assure All Team Members in Compliance with Safety Programs
- Assure Life Safety and Building Code Compliance
- Master Plan New Facilities, Expansions, and Consolidations
- New Construction
- Additions and Renovations, Exterior and Interior
- Blast and Projectile Resistant Test Enclosures
- High Capacity Foundations
- Post-Tensioned and Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Foundations and Slabs
- Pile Supported and Non-Pile Supported Foundations